Have you seen your website rankings drop all of a sudden? Has your business phone stopped ringing? Did customers suddenly disappear for no apparent reason? Has your SEO marketing stopped working? There could be a good chance your website got hit with a google penalty. Penalties could happen for several reasons, but most of the time there are due to bad management. One could be bad SEO. There are many bad SEO's who promise you fast ranking and many times those tactics could lead to getting poor quality work that will penalize your website. There are several google penalties like Panda algorithm, Penguin algorithm, or Manual Link Audits.
Panda Algorithm demotes websites who have unnatural links pointing to their website. These links are build to rank higher in the search engine results page (SERP) and are against Googles Quality Guidelines. Many times these links are spammy and are usually made by the website owner who is trying to do their own SEO. Other times hiring a cheap and shady SEO could bring more problems than good. Your website can recovery from a Panada penalty, but it is not easy. That is where we come in. Having done many Panada penalty recoveries our SEO experts we know exactly where to look in order to get the problem solved.
A Panda penalty is usually due to the poor quality of content on your website or copied content. It can also be caused by security issues, slow page loading, bad user experience and high rate of ads to content on your site. Your site can also get a Panda penalty for having very little content on your web pages. To recover from a Panda penalty you must first increase the quality of your content, get rid of any copied worked, speed up your website, setup proper site structure for users and patience.

Google Penalty Recovery Services
If your website has suffered from a Google Penalty, then you have probably noticed the impact that the penalty has had on your online income as well as your bricks and mortar footfall.
If you are concerned about your website's current rankings, then let us help you. At Top Rank Solutions, we have a lot of experience in working with webmasters to figure out whether their site has been penalized, and the nature of the penalty.
If you think you have been hit by a penalty, your first action should be to try to determine whether it was an algorithmic penalty or a manual penalty. The manual spam penalty is a serious problem, and it requires webmasters to conduct a thorough audit and cleanup of their SEO efforts. We will help you to do that, and submit a reconsideration request.
Webmasters who have been hit by an algorithmic penalty can recover from the penalty if they disavow spam backlinks and fix any thin content or duplicate content issues with their websites. We often see websites that are either over-optimized or that have thin content and that have a lot of cheap links with the same anchor text. These unnatural links can cause Google to penalize the website, and the panda and penguin algorithm updates are both concerned with spam and poor quality content. Your website is not likely to get deindexed for having duplicate content, but it is likely to suffer in the rankings.
Our agency has many years of experience with Google's algorithm updates, and can help you recover from penalties whether those penalties were caused by a mistake that your previous web-team made, or by negative SEO from a competitor. Google can defend its search quality quite aggressively, but there is no such thing as a penalty that time and diligence cannot cure.
If you are concerned that you have been hit by a Google penalty, get in touch with our team today. The first thing that we will do is audit your website and determine whether you really have been hit with a penalty. We will then look at the on-site and off-site factors that could be contributing to the penalty, and we will explore the most effective ways of fixing any issues that we find.
In some cases, fixing the penalty will require a redesign of the site (for example if your site is not mobile-friendly) or having your content rewritten. In other cases, the penalty is caused by off-site factors, and this will require a different approach. Either way, our team of SEO experts is here to help.
We cannot promise a specific ranking for a specific keyword - no SEO agency can. However, at Top Rank Solutions we do promise that we will do everything we can to get you back on the good side of the search engines, with ethical, reliable and tried and tested SEO techniques. This means you will never have to fear a spam penalty for your website again.